The Number One Reason PhD Resumes Get Rejected by Industry Hiring Managers

help from a hiring manager Mar 14, 2024

For many PhDs venturing beyond the confines of academia, the path to securing a fulfilling industry role can seem daunting. A common challenge that surfaces time and again is the prolonged silence and lack of response or feedback from potential employers, despite months of relentless job applications. Often, when we first start working with PhDs, their prior misstep is almost immediately apparent: a lack of focus in their job search strategy.

The draw of casting a wide net in job applications is understandable. The inference that more applications equate to higher chances of success is a logical one. But this approach often leads to a dilution of efforts and overlooks a crucial element of how industry managers make hiring decisions - it's primarily based on fit. The core of a successful job search lies in the alignment between a person's skills, expertise, interests, and values with the roles and companies applied for. It's not just about finding the job; it's about discovering the right position where your unique value will be celebrated.


Applying indiscriminately to every available position might seem productive, but it's highly inefficient. Sending a flurry of applications that aren't aligned with specific roles diminishes the potential for a meaningful connection with employers. This approach inadvertently communicates a lack of direction and understanding of your professional identity and aspirations - something many employers shy away from because of the attrition risk. People who don't know what they're looking for out of a company or a career tend to stay with the company for a shorter period of time, which opens the risk of another costly and disruptive candidate search.


A focused job search is a testament to self-awareness that comes through in every aspect of the hiring process, from the resume through to the interview and the eventual onboarding. It involves thorough self-reflection on your interests, skills, and the specific value you can bring to a role. This clarity enables you to mirror your resume to the job description, ensuring that the content resonates with the needs and culture of the organizations you're genuinely interested in. It's about quality over quantity, where each application is a thoughtful proposal on how you can potentially contribute.


  1. Self Assessment: Begin with introspection. Identify your core competencies, values, and the impacts you wish to make.
  2. Industry Research: Invest time in researching industries and companies that align with your skills and values. This understanding will guide you to opportunities where your background will have the highest value.
  3. Customize Your Application: Tailor your resume and cover letter for each application, highlighting how your unique background and skills align with the specific role and company culture.

The pivot from academia to industry involves more than just academic excellence; it requires an understanding of your professional narrative. Adopting a targeted approach in your job search can enhance your visibility among potential employers, while positioning you as a candidate who truly understands the value they bring to the table. 

-Angela Priest, COO, Alma.Me



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